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What Is Sclerotherapy?


Spider Veins

Sclerotherapy is the most common treatment for both spider veins and smaller varicose veins that are not causing any additional health issues. It may be chosen as the treatment for larger varicose veins if your doctor decides they can be resolved with this minimally invasive procedure. Can be completed in the doctor’s office, without the need for anesthesia.

During sclerotherapy treatment, your affected leg will be elevated to drain blood away from the treatment site. Your doctor will then, in a treatment that can take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes (depending on how many veins will be treated,) use a needle to inject a liquid chemical called a sclerosant into the affected vein. This chemical irritates the vein, causing the vein to swell, stick together and seal shut. With the flow of blood to that vein harmlessly stopped, the vein turns into internal scar tissue and fades away.

Your doctor will assess your particular affected veins, and their locations, to decide if sclerotherapy is the best solution. For instance, your doctor might find that micro-sclerotherapy – using only a very small amount of the liquid chemical – is all that’s needed for your fine vein issues.

After you receive your sclerotherapy injection, pressure is applied over the affected vein areas to prevent blood return when you stand up after treatment. You might be advised to wear compression stockings or a bandage wrap for several days or weeks after your procedure to allow the injected medication to do its work.

Under your doctor’s care and observation of your veins’ healing, you may need additional sclerotherapy treatments, , for optimal results to get your skin looking its best again and free you to once again wear your favorite wardrobe elements that show off your legs. This is all done without surgery, and under the professional treatment of your qualified vein professional.

Sclerotherapy is a popular choice for spider vein and varicose vein solutions since it costs less than surgery, requires no stressful or time-consuming hospital stay, post-treatment care is quite easy and unobtrusive, and an immediate return to work and daily activities is most often very possible. You will be able to walk post-treatment, and side effects are most often very tolerable and short-term.

Still, your doctor may advise you to take it easy after treatments and for a few days afterward, with instructions to perhaps avoid strenuous activity or exercise. Since these are your veins in question, always adhere strictly to your doctor’s post treatment instructions for your optimal safety and comfort.